Apr 30 - May 6, 2023
Managing subsurface uncertainties in reservoir simulations: Applications to compositional flow and geothermal extraction
Prof. Hussein Hoteit, Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering, KAUST
-B2 L5 R5220
Leveraging Power Systems’ Modularity to support Resiliency Against Synthetic Cyber Disasters
Dr. Salam Baniahmed, Technical Manager, Veloce Energy
-B1 L4 R4214
The 2nd SAAI Factory Hackathon Kickoff Symposium at KAUST
The 2nd SAAI Factory Hackathon Kickoff Symposium 2023
-B20 Auditorium
Robust and Energy-Efficient Embedded Computing
Semeen Rehman, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, TU Wien
-B9 L1 R3131
Apr 16 - Apr 22, 2023
Apr 9 - Apr 15, 2023
High-order non-conforming finite elements for the Stokes equation
Stefan Sauter, Professor, Institute of Mathematics, University of Zurich
-B2 L5 R5220
Robust and efficient algorithms for phase equilibrium calculations of reservoir fluids at constant moles, volume and temperature
Shuyu Sun, Professor of Earth Science and Engineering، KAUST
-B9 L3 R3128
Automated and Scalable Algorithms and Systems for Unsupervised ML
Yue Zhao, Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
-B9 L2 H2
Apr 2 - Apr 8, 2023
Numerical Methods for Energy Minimisation: Application to Machine Learning Algorithms
Prof. Charalambos Makridakis, Director of the Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics of FORTH, Greece
-B2 L5 R5220
Intelligent Health Monitoring in the Home
Yuan Yuan, Postdoc Fellow, MIT
Non-Abelian Braiding with Sound and Light
Guancong Ma, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University
-B9 L2 R2131
Trajectory Optimization using the Projection Operator (PRONTO)
John Hauser, Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
-B9 L2 H2
Mar 26 - Apr 1, 2023
On the rate of convergence of the Inviscid Limit for 2D Incompressible Fluid
Associate Professor Stefano Spirito, Department of Mathematics, University of LAquila, Italy
-B1 L4 R4102
Scalable parallel solvers for cardiac reaction-diffusion models and applications
Luca F. Pavarino, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Pavia
-B2 L5 R5220
From Contact to Fluid Structure Interavtion Information Transfer between Non-matching meshes for Coupled Simulations
Prof. Rolf Krause, Università della Svizzera italiana
-B9 L3 R3128
Mar 19 - Mar 25, 2023
Making federated learning practical and confidential
Dr. Ruichuan Chen, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff and a Tech Lead, Nokia Bell Labs
-B4 L5 R5209
On Fourier methods and machine learning techniques in Computational Finance.
Prof. Kees Oosterlee, Utrecht University
-B9 L3 R3128