Professional Profile
● 03/2023 - 09/2023, Research Intern, Stellantis & IMT Atlantique
● 05/2022-09/2022, R&D Intern, Invisensing
● 06/2021-08/2021, Research Intern, Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France
● 01/2024 – Present, Ph.D. student in Photonics Lab, CEMSE Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
● 09/2022 – 12/2023, Second Master’s degree in Optical Networks and Photonics Systems, Université Paris-Saclay & Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France.
●09/2020 – 12/2023, Engineering degree of Theoretical and Applied Optics, Institut d'Optique Graduate School - Université Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau, France.
●09/2017 – 06/2021, Bachelor of Science and Engineering in Photoelectric Information Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Research Interests
- Fiber Optic Sensing
- Optoeletronics
- Photonics