Dr. Zhi LIU, Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematic of University of Macau, China
Wednesday, November 01, 2017, 14:00
- 15:00
Building 2, Level 5, Room 5209
Dr. Yunxin Fu, Professor, School of Public Health of the University of Texas, Houston, USA
Monday, October 02, 2017, 15:00
- 16:00
Building 3, Level 5, Room 5209
Contact Person
The sperm or eggs of sexual organisms go through a series of cell divisions from the fertilized egg; mutations can occur at each division. For decades, little has been known about the pattern of the mutation rates along with the germline development. A large-scale mutation screening experiment of recessive lethal or nearly lethal mutations during the germline development of  Drosophila melanogaster males offers an opportunity to explore the issue. We developed a likelihood framework based on novel cell coalescent theory and analyzed the data.  it is found that for most nearly lethal mutations, the mutation rate at the first cell division is considerably higher than those at other divisions.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 15:00
- 17:00
Building 3, Level 5, Room 5209​
Contact Person
Growth phenotype profiling of genome-wide gene-deletion strains overstresses conditions can offer a clear picture that the essentiality of genes depends on environmental conditions. In this dissertation, we first demonstrate that detecting such "co-fit" gene groups can be cast as a less well-studied problem in biclustering, i.e., constant-column biclustering. Despite significant advances in biclustering techniques, very few were designed for mining in growth phenotype data.
Monday, February 27, 2017, 17:15
- 18:45
University Library
Sci-Café is a lively and interactive discussion between KAUST scientists and community members. Sci-Café is open to all members of the KAUST community to ask questions, discuss science and have fun!
Dr. Yuhui Hu, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
Sunday, January 22, 2017, 12:30
- 13:30
Building 3, Level 5, Room 5220 (KCC side)
Dr. Michael Waterman, Professor of Biological Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science University of Southern California, USA
Monday, December 05, 2016, 08:00
- 18:00
Engineering Science Hall (bldg.9), Level 2, Lecture Hall 2
Contact Person


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