KAUST Professor of Computer Science Elmootazbellah Elnozahy has been elected to the rank of National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow. NAI fellows are selected based on the number and significance of patents they are co-inventors; the patents must also have stemmed from a university-based research program.  
A team composed of KAUST and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) students was one of three winning teams of this year’s Saudi Telecom Company (STC) AIoT (AI & IoT) Hackathon. The KAUST entry, AgriDoctor, a proposed autonomous, sustainable, intelligent agriculture system, was a standout pick for the competition judges from a pool of 110 project submissions and 350 participants. 
Earlier this year, KAUST Professor of Electrical Engineering Ahmed Eltawil was elected as a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Eltawil was officially inducted as a Senior Member at the recent NAI 10th Annual Meeting held in Florida, U.S.
Nazek El-Atab, KAUST assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and the principal investigator of the Smart, Advanced Memory Devices and Applications (SAMA) Lab, has been recently selected to feature in the upcoming NEOM “Changemakers” video series.
Building upon our successful online conference in spring 2021, the KAUST Robotics, Intelligent Systems, and Control Lab (RISC Lab) will host the KAUST Research Conference on Robotics and Autonomy 2022 (#RobotoKAUST2022) from February 28 until March 2, 2022. The conference will address the most recent trends of robotics application in a range of disciplines.