Amr M. Abdelhady Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Communication and Computing Systems Lab Green communications Visible light communications
André Gustavo Carlon Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stochastic Numerics Research Group numerical methods uncertainty quantification
Ángel López Oriona Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics computational statistics Time Series Data Mining artificial intelligence
Ania Adil Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Estimation Control Theory
Aritra Dutta Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences machine learning Deep learning convex optimization
Asmaa Abdallah Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Deep learning Digital signal processing Resource allocation Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems
Avetik Karagulyan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Optimization and Machine Learning Langevin dynamics probability theory optimization machine learning statistics
Baha Eddine Youcef Belmekki Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering NOMA Vehicular Communications Networekd Flying Platforms
Carlos Hinojosa Montero Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Image and Video Understanding Lab artificial intelligence deep learning Computer Vision Video Understanding
Charalampos Antoniadis Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Efficient AI Generative AI and LLMs Electronic Design Automation Smart Cities
Daoming Liu Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computer Science geometric computing physical simulation computer graphics
David Lago Cachón Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Communication and Computing Systems Lab magnetism Biosensors body area networks health effects
Dayanand Kumar Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering neuromorphic computing memristor
Denis Rustand Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Survival analysis Bayesian computational statistics
Elias Teixeira Krainski Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Bayesian computational statistics geospatial statistics spatio-temporal statistics
Fadil Habibi Danufane Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Stochastic Geometry Visible light communications Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Fahad Alam Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering 3D printing 4D printing sensors
Fida Mohammad Thoker Postdoctoral Research Fellow Self-supervised learning Video Understanding Action Recognition
Georgios Grekas Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences solid mechanics biomechanics numerical analysis scientific computing
Grigorios Kounadis Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences numerical methods for PDE's scientific computing
Haicheng Cao Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences Ultrawide bandgap materials semiconductor device
Hoyoun Kim Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences Diffusion equations Kinetic models
Hussein Hussein Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Mechanics MEMS robotics mechatronic systems
Ines Pinto Gouveia Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cyber Resilience Research Group resilience Fault-Tolerant Computing intrusion tolerance cybersecurity FPGA
Jiajie Xu Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Underwater sensor networks Underwater target detection and localization Underwater acoustic and optical communication FSO systems Maritime vehicles; teams; modelling
Jose Hermenegildo Ramirez Gonzalez Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics computational statistics spatio-temporal statistics Environmental Statistics statistics
Joydeep Chowdhury Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics functional data analysis multivariate analysis spatial statistics quantile regression non-parametric methods
Juan Carlos L. Alcazar Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Image and Video Understanding Lab analysis of contextual information
Kamilya Smagulova Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Communication and Computing Systems Lab machine learning memristors neural network accelerator
Karen Sanchez Postdoctoral Research Fellow Computer Vision machine learning AI for healthcare deep learning Medical imaging
Khalil Moussi Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering biomedical devices bioengineering MEMS
Krishnakumar Sivakumar Research Scientist, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences bioengineering microbiology
Li Luo Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hierarchical Computations on Manycore Architectures parallel algorithms computational fluid dynamics
Mahmoud Wafik Eltokhey Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Visible light communications UAV-based communications Adaptive communication systems
Maicon J. Karling Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics goodness-of-fit tests multivariate statistics skewed distributions Time Series
Majed Sofiani Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences non-linear partial differential equations Dynamical Systems Liquid Crystals
Margarita Akhmejanova Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering mathematics probabilities
Matthew Sainsbury-Dale Consultant, Statistics spatio-temporal statistics Statistics of extremes machine learning Deep learning
MD Hasan Raza Ansari Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering logic devices emerging memory devices neuromorphic devices
Meng Tang Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Spintronics devices spin-orbit torque Spintronics thin films
Mher Safaryan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences optimization machine learning
Mikail Erdem Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering estimation/cancellation in wireless communications full duplex communication Terahertz communications
Mohamed Hassan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computer Science reconfigurable computing High Performance Computing
Mohammad Asim Aftab Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Secure Next Generation Resilient Systems Lab IEC 61850 standard based communication Power System Communication Active Distribution Network Hardware in Loop
Mohammad Shehab Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering machine learning Non-Terrestrial Networks Catastrophic communication Communication in extreme environments
Muath Mahdi Ph.D. (former), Electrical and Computer Engineering Statistical and array signal processing Signal Applications OFDM System Random Matrix Theory Discriminant analysis.
Muneer Al-ZuBi Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Radio Wave Propagation Modeling RF Measurements molecular communication Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Ngoc-Phuc Le Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Next generation wireless communications Signal processing
Partha Mondal Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Nonlinear Optics Plasmonic Metasurface
Redha Al Ibrahim Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Imaging optoelectronics Optical sensors
Richa Priyadarshani Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering Optical Wireless Communication MIMO FSO systems
Shuaikun Wang Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation Measure Valued Solutions Kinetic Theory
Sipan Aslan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Time Series Analysis Causal Connectivity Dynamic Clustering
Vaibhav Mehandiratta Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Statistics Stochastic fractional differential equations Metric graphs numerical analysis optimal control problems
Xiang Li Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computer Vision- Core Artificial Intelligence Research Computer Vision Deep learning remote sensing
Xiaokai Huo Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences Hyperbolic PDEs Fluid Mechanics Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
Xing Liu Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering attitude determination GNSS localization
Xun Qian Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences machine learning Stochastic Methods Interior Point Methods algorithm
Ying Shi Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical and Computer Engineering laser optical interconnects
Yuri Ashrafyan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences inverse problems
Zia Ullah Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering fault detection control
Abdullah Abu Zaid Ph.D. Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering Stochastic Geometry urban air mobility communications
Abdullah Alshehri Ph.D. Student, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering High Performance Low Power Circuits Mixed-Mode ASIC Design Analog circuit design low power digital circuit ROIC ASIC Interface Circuit sensors ADC semiconductor IC Design