artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, data mining, drug discovery, toxicogenomics |
cloud computing, Communication Theory, Distributed algorithms, Image coding, Optimization theory and applications |
Elastic Metamaterials, Phononic Crystals |
infoclouds, supercomputing |
extreme statistics, Time Series |
Nonlinear Optics, Plasmonic Metasurface |
Bayesian disease mapping, geospatial modeling, point processes, Public health surveillance, Spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, Spatial epidemiology |
copulas, Multivariate extremes, nonparametric statistics, Spatial data |
device fabrication |
image processing, machine learning, semi-classical signal analysis, Signal processing |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
Water Desalination and Reuse |
Computer Vision |
bioinformatics, machine learning |
computational statistics, extreme-value theory, spatial statistics, spatio-temporal statistics |
Branching processes, Random graphs |
Applied Partial Differential Equations, diffusive phenomena, generalized Sobolev inequalities, inverse problems, mean-field games, quantum mechanical kinetic theory |
augmented reality, computer graphics, GPU Computing, Scientific Visualization, virtual reality |
algorithms, big data, machine learning, optimization |
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing |
computer graphics, Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning, remote sensing |
Computational mathematics, fast algorithms, waves in heterogeneous media |
Acoustic Absorption |
artificial intelligence, computational statistics, machine learning, spatio-temporal modeling, uncertainty quantification |
Free Space Optics, Hardware impairments, Performance analysis |
body area networks, Channel modeling, circuit design |
Computer Vision |
Compressive Sensing, computational imaging, micro and nanofabrication, optical system design |
knowledge graph mining |
data mining, machine learning |
Computational Photography, Deep learning, HDR Imaging, optics, optimization, robotics, Time-of-flight and transient imaging |
Deep learning, statistics |
Computer Vision, machine learning, optimization |
uncertainty quantification |
Channel modeling, Massive MIMO Systems, Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems, Random Matrix Theory |
project management, scientific research, software development |
Time Series |
dense linear algebra, High Performance Computing, Performance optimization |
Cellular Communication, Cooperative networks, Handover management in wireless networks, Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Performance evaluation of 5G cellular networks, Stochastic Geometry, Stochastic Geometry modeling of wireless networks |
aeroacoustics, computational fluid dynamics, High Performance Computing, high speed flows |
Mathematical Methods for Finance, STK Capital |
Federated learning, optimization |
free boundary problems, nonlinear PDEs, regularity |
bioinformatics, machine learning |
Bio-inspired luminescent material, Deep UV optoelectronic devices, semiconductors |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
biophotonics, flexible electronics |
Deep learning, machine learning |
image processing, inverse problems, optimization |
Academic Operations, Higher Education, Student Support |
Digital marketing |
IoT, machine learning, software development |
applications to finance, applications to neuroscience, copulas, data science, Environmental Statistics, extreme-value theory, geostatistics, machine learning, spatio-temporal statistics, Statistics of extremes |
bioelectronics, body area networks |
Marine microbiology, microbiology |
computational fluid dynamics, Runge-Kutta methods |
bayesian inference, Computational finance, computational statistics, data assimilation, hierarchical and sparse approximation, numerical analysis, optimal control, optimal experimental design, stochastic differential equations, stochastic optimization, uncertainty quantification |
next-generation communication systems, optical communication, optical communication., optimization in sensor networks, Wireless communication theory |
Computer architecture, integrated system technology and design, system on chip, wireless communications network |
computational methods, data integration, graph mining, machine learning |
reconfigurable computing |
Computer science |
Imaging, Optical sensors, optoelectronics |
Astrophysics Visualization, real-time rendering, Scientific Visualization |
autonomous vehicles, resilience, Security and Privacy |
MEMS IC design and fabrication, novel devices |
bioelectronics, Biosensors, Wireless sensors design |
bioinformatics, High Performance Computing, image processing, machine learning, structural biology |
Numerical Optimization, robotics, Self-Replicating Robots, Stochastic Optimal Control |
bioscience, machine learning, statistical analysis |
energy systems, milp, minlp, nlp, optimization, process systems engineering, renewable energy, risk management, robust optimization, scheduling, stochastic programming, uncertainty quantification |
FSO systems, MIMO, Optical Wireless Communication |
applied mathematics, computational acoustics, ocean circulation, underwater acoustics |
explainable AI framework, Graph Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning |
bayesian inference, extreme-value theory, spatial statistics, spatio-temporal statistics |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, gamma-convergence |
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, biomedical data, knowledge representation, Neuro-Symbolic AI, neuro-symbolic methods |
data mining, Natural Language Processing, text mining |
Critical Infrastructure Protection, cybersecurity, Distributed Systems Security, On-line Social Networks |
applied mathematics, biomechanics, cardiac simulation, computational mechanics, contact problems, Domain Decomposition, Finite elements, fluid-structure interactions, geology, HPC, machine learning, medicine, Multigrid, Multiphysics Simulation, Numerical Optimization, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, optimization, software development |
computer graphics, data analysis, visualization |
2D materials characterization, device fabrication, optoelectronics |
Signal Applications, Signal processing, Wireless communication |